Hungarian Language School for Children

Please Note: All classes are conducted online until further notice

The kindergarten is an integral part of the Gábor Bethlen Hungarian Language School in Calgary.


The number of students has increased every year, solidifying the need for children to participate in age appropriate interacting and learning Hungarian.


The primary goal is to keep and practice our mother tongue. Each lesson is combined with singing and rhyme learning, practice, listening to stories, puppetry, and at the end we color, paint, cut, glue, or play with playdough as part of handicraft development.


The effect of learning Hungarian folk games, children’s songs and rhymes have a complex and versatile impact. On one hand we preserve our traditions, and on the other hand we help develop a sense of rhythm and melody.

General Information:

Donations help keep the prices low for everyone.


Introduction to Hungarian for Kids

Instructor: Eva Bezdek

Saturday 10AM-12AM


Upper Beginner Hungarian for kids

Instructor: Veronika Puskas

Saturday 10AM-11AM


Beginner Hungarian for kids

Instructor: Veronika Puskas

Saturday 11AM-12PM


Intermediate Hungarian for Kids

Instructor: Eva Bezdek

Saturday 11AM-12AM


Upper Intermediate for kids

Instructor: Eva Bezdek

Saturday 12.30 PM-13.30 PM


Introduction to Hungarian for Kids

Instructor: Eva Bezdek

Saturday 5PM-6PM

Where are we?

Calvin Hungarian Presbyterian Church
101-14th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Contact information:

Eva Bezdek, Hungarian language instructor